Thursday, October 1, 2009

WTF is SELLING out in 2009??

The iconic hip hop band was on CNN and spoke about them being labeled sell outs for mainstream gigs, such as being the house band on the Jimmy Fallon show. ?uestlove quelled those rumors as nonsense and insisted that the band is merely being business savy, cashing those late night checks, as well as enjoying keeping fans guessing.

Here is what Questo said to CNN:

"I don't know if selling out is even a factor in 2009. There's being responsible, and there's being businessmen," he said. "My definition of selling out is when your products start sounding crappy and when you phone it in from home. But I don't think there's anything compromised or rushed or ill-timed or misthought about our career decision. As long as the music's funky and true, and our art is still represented, I don't see that at all.”

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