I was reading some stuff from New York, and I stumbled on this. I am not a HUGE Perez Hilton fan, but I like Lady Gaga's Music, and I think she is doing what a lot of these "pop" acts are in fear of doing: Being Different. Any how, here's the article.
One of the most-hyped Fashion Week parties was Out magazine's at the Box last night, thrown in honor of September issue cover girl and vocal gay-rights proponent Lady Gaga. The rumors (and there were many) were evenly split between thinking she'd perform and thinking she'd simply show up and say hello to her fans. The night before, Gaga seemed to have no trouble attending the Marc Jacobs show and performing practically naked at the after-party the designer threw in conjunction with V magazine. But Out magazine couldn't confirm Gaga's attendance at the party they threw for her until she finally showed up at the Box at around midnight, about an hour after Out's party technically ended. By then most of the crowd — die-hard Gaga fans, who showed up mostly just to see her — had cleared. Gaga took a seat in a booth in the back of the balcony, ordered French fries, and refused to speak to reporters. She didn't even let Out magazine take her picture so they could, you know, say she actually attended the party they threw for her.
Earlier in the night Gaga attended Perez Hilton's party to celebrate the launch of his new, um, fashion blog, CocoPerez.com. She had no trouble getting her photo taken at that soirée. Perez accompanied her to the Out party, and gamely posed for photos by the bar downstairs before assuming his spot at Gaga's booth. Earlier in the day she did a mini photo shoot for V wearing a T-shirt with her V cover on it. Out editor Aaron Hicklin tried to persuade her and her people to do a photo op, but by the time we left she hadn't budged. Seeing as no images of her have emerged on the wire, she must not have. So why the diva behavior at Out's party? She can flaunt her nipples for Marc but can't even let Out take her photo? Diva fail.
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